416-855-0643 [email protected]

Monica Maurin

[email protected]
155 George Street, Ground Level
Toronto, Ontario, M5A 2M8


Monica Maurin is Law Clerk and Office Manager for the KBA Partners LLP team. She supports our clients and lawyers, offering years of experience in a variety of litigation, pre-litigation and judicial arenas. Monica’s focus includes client document management and documentary discovery work, preparation for interlocutory motions, arbitrations and tribunals, along with the training and management of KBA Partners’ legal administration team and policies.

Monica is also a Certified Verbatim Court Reporter and her work has included developing some of the world’s first real-time legal reporting systems. She has worked in-house with strategic litigation teams, and with top Toronto court reporting companies and Official Examiners’ offices, also having worked with Kimberly Alexander for years in career law and litigation, before the inception of KBA Partners LLP itself.

Monica reported regularly for the Law Society of Upper Canada, the Ontario Securities Commission, the Ontario College of Teachers, and the Financial Services Commission of Ontario, also sitting with US Senators, in US Depositions, and at Canadian proceedings of various levels. In 2014 Monica provided real-time support in the technologically and judicially groundbreaking international Nortel Bankruptcy Trial, which was simultaneously adjudicated in the Canadian and American legal systems.

Monica is also an internationally-trained mindfulness meditation teacher, and has taught hundreds of people practices that promote awareness, emotional intelligence, focus and better health. She has designed and implemented corporate programs and private programs for professionals, and has worked within the community with both children and adults. She continues to offer her time and experience at weekly mindfulness classes for Gilda’s Club, a Toronto centre for support for people touched by cancer, founded by comedian Gilda Radner.

Monica’s commitment to excellence, compassion and integrity is exemplified in the ongoing support of her clients in some of their most challenging times of life, in the context of law, litigation and also personally.